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Published : 15th March 2024
Author : Ricardo Limongi Fernandes*
Citation : Fernandes RL. (2024). BTXA/Prosigne and Redefinition of the Mandibular Contour - “Nefertiti Lift”: Academic Review. Mathews J Dermatol. 8(1):24.
Published : 23rd May 2023
Authors : Erika Alba-Rojas1, Marimar Sáez-de-Ocariz1, Alejandro González-Garay2, Luz Orozco-Covarrubias1,*
Citation : Orozco-Covarrubias L, et al. (2023). Quality of Life in Adolescents with Acne with or Without Other Chronic Disease(s). Mathews J Dermatol. 7(2):23.
Published : 17th May 2023
Authors : Smilja Tudzarova-Gjorgova*, Ana Selchanec, Gloria Gjorgova, Marija Spasovska
Citation : Tudzarova-Gjorgova S, et al. (2023). Surgical Approach for Reconstruction of a Morbus Bowen Defect in the Genital Area: A Case Report. Mathews J Dermatol. 7(1):22.
Published : 16th May 2023
Authors : Denis Souto Valente1,*, Thales Fernando Canabarro Araujo2, Julia Sagaz Silva Michelon3, Sebastiana Aparecida Ferrao Santos Da Silva4, Luisa Rigon Borba5, Vinicius Diniz Lima6, Pedro Bins Ely7
Citation : Valente DS, et al. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Plastic Surgery. Mathews J Dermatol. 7(1):20.
Published : 15th May 2023
Author : Elfaituri Safa Suleman*
Citation : Elfaituri SS. (2023). Nails Changes and Disorders in Elderly Libyans. Mathews J Dermatol. 7(1):21.
Published : 13th April 2023
Author : Debbie Novick*
Citation : Novick D. (2023). The Skin is a Reflection of Intestinal Health. Mathews J Dermatol. 7(1):19.