Mathews Journal of Case Reports


Previous Issues Volume 8, Issue 12 - 2023

Book Review 'Physical Activity Guidelines in Malaysia' (Malay Version)

Uqbah Iqbal*

Managing Director, Pitas Agriculture, Kampung Mempakad Darat, 89100 Pitas, Sabah, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Uqbah Iqbal, Managing Director, Pitas Agriculture, Kampung Mempakad Darat, 89100 Pitas, Sabah, Malaysia, Phone: 01119701988; Email: [email protected].

Received Date: December 20, 2023

Published Date: December 30, 2023

Citation: Iqbal U. (2023). Book Review 'Physical Activity Guidelines in Malaysia' (Malay Version). Mathews J Case Rep. 8(12):142.

Copyrights: Iqbal U. © (2023).


This book is published by the Ministry of Health Malaysia in order to be beneficial to all parties. Physical activity plays a very important role in ensuring well-being in terms of health and quality of life. Chapter 1 discusses physical activity in terms of benefits, concepts, exercise meaning and exercise monitoring. Chapter 2 on physical activity recommendations according to age, special populations, individuals with special needs, adults with chronic diseases, recommendations to improve and maintain intelligence. Chapter 3 on health screening guidance, safety while doing physical activity and avoiding injuries while doing physical activity. These Guidelines outline the scientific evidence that is closely related to the practice of physical activity consistently on the health of the body. These Guidelines can be an important reference source that related to physical activity.

Keywords: Physical Activity, Exercise, Adults, Chronic Diseases.


Physical activity plays a very important role in ensuring the well-being of life in terms of health and quality of life. It is a key component of the campaign the promotion of a healthy lifestyle led by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. In ensure the increase of Malaysians who practice a physically active life, The Malaysian Ministry of Health has developed the Malaysian Physical Activity Guidelines in order to benefit all parties. As we all know life being sedentary is closely related to various harmful health risks such as three series disease namely heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. These diseases have been the main cause of death in government hospitals for the past few years. The risk of these diseases is caused by a sedentary and inactive lifestyle [1].

These guidelines outline the scientific evidence that is closely related to the practice of the activity consistently physical to the health of the body. These guidelines can be one important reference source related to physical activity. It is hope all the information contained in these Guidelines can be used as best as possible in order to provide amazing benefits to your health. We must change our behavior towards being healthier and fitter through physical activity. Physical inactivity is among leading cause of death in the world (6 percent death rate each year). This is followed by death due to hypertension which is as much as 13 percent, tobacco use as much as 9 percent and diabetes by 6 percent. Being overweight or obese contributes to 5 percent of the population death rate worldwide. Sedentary means lifestyle practice which is not active continuously. For example sitting for too long, lying down, sleeping and other activities which do not move muscles much. Sedentary life has a very bad effect to health. Among the complications from a clinical point of view if the practice of sedentary life continue to be metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Dyslipidemia and hypercholesterolemia and Gallstone formation, heart disease such as angina, congestive heart failure, stroke, myocardial infarction, Platelet adhesion, Thrombosis and coronary disease arteries, pulmonary diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer such as breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer, neurological diseases (nerve) such as cognitive function failure, dementia, depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, Musculoskeletal diseases such as Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and back pain (back of the body) and decreased quality of life such as falling easily, inability to doing heavy work, the body lacks flexibility, lack of dexterity, disability to move quickly, always feeling tired and lethargic, unfit and less alert to the surrounding environment [2,3].

The obesity rate in Malaysia is very worrying. Studies prove that Malaysia is the country that has the fattest people compared to other countries in South East Asia. It is estimated that almost 33 percent of Malaysians or 5.4 million people Malaysians aged 18 and over are overweight (World Health Organization NCD Country Profile 2011). A total of 4.4 million Malaysians are obese. In order to make Malaysians more active, the Malaysian Ministry of Health has published the Malaysian Physical Activity Guidelines aimed at providing a guide for all ages to become more physically active. This document equipped with all the basic information that is the theory and evidence of a scientific strategy for cultivates physical activity. It is hoped that this document can make Malaysians more active in line with the Global NCD Target 2025, which is a 10 percent reduction in the level of inactivity physically from 35.2 percent to 30 percent by 2025. By becoming more being active has many benefits that can be enjoyed, especially in terms of health. To understand the concept physical activity, these guidelines provide procedures for doing physical activity according to age group (children and teenagers, adults and seniors). For individuals who have health problems such as diabetes, heart problems, hypertension, and arthritis, this line guide also provides procedures for doing physical activities that are suitable with self ability. However, these individuals need to seek advice and confirmation from a certified medical doctor so that the risk of injury and other health complications can be reduced minimized. Malaysian Physical Activity Guidelines can be used by government agencies, private agencies and corporate companies, local authorities, non-governmental organizations, Higher Education Institutions or Skill Training Institutions, sportsmen, coaches and managers sports and individuals involved in sports, fitness trainers, sports volunteers, community leaders and local communities and all individuals involved in the field health and fitness. To obtain good and long-lasting health, individuals all ages need to do physical activity consistently. More and more scientific evidence supports this fact. Introducing daily physical activity can create a culture of physical activity becoming a must for Malaysians no matter where and at any time. Exercise can become a habit if we choose our activities that we enjoy doing it. Whatever the choice, exercise is a must to maintain health. There are two main types of exercise which are aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise [4-6].


  1. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. (2017). Garis Panduan Aktiviti Fizikal di Malaysia. Putrajaya: Bahagian Pendidikan Kesihatan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
  2. Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Guidelines. (2014). Australia: Australian Government Department of Health.
  3. Garis Panduan Perlaksanaan Klinikal (CPG), Pengurusan Obesiti 2004. Putrajaya: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. 2004.
  4. Garis Panduan Preskripsi Senaman. (2008). Kecergasan Kardiovaskular. Putrajaya: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia.
  5. Global Recommendations on Physical Activity For Health. (2010). Switzerland: World Health Organization.
  6. Guidelines For Exercise Testing and Prescription. (2013). 9th  edn. Indiana: American College of Sports Medicine.

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