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Recently Published Articles
Review Article

Memory Games and Academic Performance

Published : 19th September 2024
Author : Purohit Saraswati*
Citation : Saraswati P. (2024). Memory Games and Academic Performance. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. 9(1):46.

Research Article

Pattern of Psychiatry Referrals in a Tertiary Hospital Teaching Set-up

Published : 01st December 2023
Authors : Sumeesha Jaswal1,*, Harsh Garg2, Apanpreet Kaur2
Citation : Jaswal S, et al. (2023). Pattern of Psychiatry Referrals in a Tertiary Hospital Teaching Set-up. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. 8(4):45.

Research Article

Exploring Sources of Resilience in Adversity: A Despcriptive Research Report among a Group of Vietnamese

Published : 06th November 2023
Authors : Thanh Tu Thi Nguyen,* Mai Lien Le Thi, Xuan Diep Ngo, Lien Pham, Ngoc Bich Tran
Citation : Nguyen TTT, et al. (2023). Exploring Sources of Resilience in Adversity: A Despcriptive Research Report among a Group of Vietnamese. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. 8(4):44.

Review Article

Sports for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Russia and the Un Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Reality and Prospects

Published : 27th October 2023
Authors : Evseev SP1,2,3,4,*, Olkhovaya TI5,6
Citation : Evseev SP, et al. (2023). Sports for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Russia and the Un Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Reality and Prospects. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. 8(4):43.

Letter to the Editor

The Use of Benzodiazepines in the Context of Coronavirus Related Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Case Report

Published : 05th October 2023
Authors : Jadison Luiz Barbosa Junior1,*, Paulo Henrique Teixeira Prado2, Thales Pimenta de Figueiredo3, Caio Hage Chahine Kubrusly4, Isabela Maria Seabra Leite5, Luiz Filipe Silva Codorino Couto6, Paulo Marcos Brasil Rocha7
Citation : Jadison LBJ, et al. (2023). The Use of Benzodiazepines in the Context of Coronavirus Related Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Case Report. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. 8(3):42.

Case Report

Catatonia and Brain Tumor: Review and Illustrative Case Report

Published : 13th September 2023
Authors : Thales Pimenta de Figueiredo1, Paulo Henrique Teixeira Prado2, Jadison Luiz Barbosa Junior3, Caio Hage Chahine Kubrusly4, Isabela Maria Seabra Leite5, Luiz Filipe Silva Codorino Couto6, Paulo Marcos Brasil Rocha7,*
Citation : Rocha PMB, et al. (2023). Catatonia and Brain Tumor: Review and Illustrative Case Report. Mathews J Psychiatry Ment Health. 8(3):41.

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