

Mathews Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Previous Issues

Volume 9, Issue 1 - 2024

Research Article

Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a Chronic Disease of the Esophagus

Author : Siniša Franjić*
Citation : Franjić S. (2024). Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a Chronic Disease of the Esophagus. Mathews J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 9(1):25.

Case Report

Radiotherapy Associated Oesophageal Vascular Ectasia with Acute Bleeding: A Case Report

Author : Jan Kubovy*
Citation : Kubovy J. © (2024). Radiotherapy Associated Oesophageal Vascular Ectasia with Acute Bleeding: A Case Report. Mathews J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 9(1):24.

Research Article

Gastroprotective Potential of Indian Medicinal Plants- A Comprehensive Review

Authors : Suchandra Goswami (nee Banerjee)1,*, Sruti Karmakar2, Koushik Brahmachari3, Prashanta Sarkar4, Nisha Sharma5, Mousam Ghosh1, Sanchita Maji1, Susanta Koley1, Santanu Shaw1, Diptendu Goswami6
Citation : Goswami S, et al. © (2024). Gastroprotective Potential of Indian Medicinal Plants- A Comprehensive Review. Mathews J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 9(1):23. 

Research Article

Laparoscopy is Minimally Invasive Procedure that Requires only Small Incisions

Author : Sinisa Franjic*
Citation : Franjic S. © (2024). Laparoscopy is Minimally Invasive Procedure that Requires only Small Incisions. Mathews J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 9(1):22. 

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