Mathews Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Previous Issues Volume 2, Issue 1 - 2017

Research Article Full-Text  PDF  

The Relationship Between Colonic Diverticulosis and Soybean-Like Small Round Stool

Yoshiyuki Hoya1 *,Takanori Kurogochi2,Rota Noaki2,Satoshi Yamazaki2,Tomoyoshi Okamoto1,Norio Mitsumori3,Katsuhiko Yanaga3

Corresponding Author: Yoshiyuki Hoya, Department of Surgery, Daisan Hospital, The Jikei University School of Medicine 4-11-1, Izumihon-cho, Komae-si, Tokyo, 201-8601, Japan, Tel: 81-3-3480-1151 (3251); Email: [email protected]
Received Date: 16 May 2017 
Accepted Date: 12 Jun 2017 
Published Date: 16 Jun 2017
Copyright © 2017 Hoya Y
Citation: Hoya Y, Kurogochi T, Noaki R, Yamazaki S, et al. (2016). The Relationship Between Colonic Diverticulosis and Soybean-Like Small Round Stool. Mathews J Gastroenterol Hepatol  2(1): 009.


Introduction: Although phenomena and manifestations may often be encountered in routine practice, there are often instances where the cause or identity of those phenomena and manifestations is unclear. Soybean-like small (about 1 cm) and round stool (SLSRS) is often encountered during colonoscopy (CS). The current study examined the causal relationship between such stool and diverticula, and the results are discussed herein.
Patients and methods: Subjects were 78 patients who underwent CS at Kumagaya Surgery Hospital from October 2014 to June 2015. The number of diverticula in the colon, the location of diverticula, and the number of bowel movements prior to CS, and the presence or absence of SLSRS were examined in these patients. 
Results: Diverticula were present in 30 of the 78 patients (38.5%),of whom SLSRS was noted in 21 patients (70%). Of the other 48 patients without diverticula, only one patient had SLSRS (2.8%). Thus, SLSRS had a sensitivity of 70%, a specificity of 97.9%, and an accuracy of 87.2% in indicating the presence of colonic diverticula.
Conclusion: The high association between SLSRS and the presence of colonic diverticula, suggests that SLSRS is produced by the colonic diverticula, which could be named as “Diverticular Stool”.


Diverticulosis; Endoscopic Diagnosis; Shape of Stool; Impaction of Stool.

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