

Mathews Journal of Case Reports


NLM Unique ID: 101748397

Mathews Journal of Case Reports (MJCR; ISSN 2474-3666) is a scholarly journal that publishes on a wider range of clinical and medical topics. Launched in an open-access format, this journal aims to improve health outcomes on a global scale and facilitate sharing of clinical and medical information in the form of case reports to convey best practices in clinical research to medical professionals and researchers alike; the advantage of case reports is that the audience learns from real cases, whereby the findings can be leveraged/extrapolated to real-world cases.

MJCR is a key educational resource that offers a high volume of peer-reviewed case reports in all disciplines and ensures that healthcare professionals and researchers can easily find clinically relevant information on common as well as rare conditions.

MJCR welcomes case reports, procedural videos, and clinical images in all areas of clinical and medical research, including medicine, nursing, surgery, endocrinology, oncology, dermatology, neurology, nephrology, cardiology, dentistry, psychology, psychiatry, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, anaesthesia, medical ethics, and veterinary science. The journal publishes cases that are worthy of discussion, especially those pertaining to decision making, disease management, differential diagnosis, drafting of clinical guidelines, and pathology.

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High Visibility: 
MJCR is a firm believer in the open-access movement and in ensuring that the published articles are provided a global audience.
Promotion in Social Media: MJCR very aggressively promotes the published articles on social media platforms to ensure higher visiblity.
Rigorous peer review: Every manuscript submitted undergoes a thorough and rigorous double-blind peer-review. This process eliminates subjective judgments and bias from the decision making process.

We welcome all types of articles related to Case Reports. For submission assistance reach i[email protected] Please follow the Author Guidelines.

If you are not sure whether your work is suitable for this journal, please email us at i[email protected] or call us at +1-606-405–6566

Recently Published Articles
Research Article

Evaluation of Bupivacaine Local Infiltration Effect with or Without Dexamethasone On Severity of Acute Pain in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section

Published : 18th September 2024
Authors : Haleh Ayatollahi1, Farnaz Alizadeh Hooshyar2,*, Hadi Houshyar3, Samira Jahangard4,#
Citation : Ayatollahi H, et al. (2024). Evaluation of Bupivacaine Local Infiltration Effect with or Without Dexamethasone On Severity of Acute Pain in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(8):184.

Review Article

Gestation Concomitant: Breast Cancer

Published : 16th September 2024
Authors : Chanchal S Chandak*, Jaya P Ambhore, Kiran P Gaikwad
Citation : Chandak CS, et al. (2024). Gestation Concomitant: Breast Cancer. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(8):181.

Case Report

Necrotizing Fasciitis Post-Uncomplicated Colonoscopy: A Case Report

Published : 05th August 2024
Authors : Ali Mehri1, Mohammad hossein Taherynejad2, Zahra Kargar1, Parnian Eghbali2, Abbas Abdollahi1, Mohammad Etezadpour1,*
Citation : Mehri A, et al. (2024). Necrotizing Fasciitis Post-Uncomplicated Colonoscopy: A Case Report. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(7):174.

Case Report

Persistence of Non-Specific Syphilitic Test Titers for 6 Years After the Adequate Treatment

Published : 03rd August 2024
Author : Murugan Sankaranantham*
Citation : Sankaranantham M. (2024). Persistence of Non-Specific Syphilitic Test Titers for 6 Years After the Adequate Treatment. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(7):175.

Review Article

Nano-Structured and Micro-Structured Materials as Contrast Agents in Echocardiography

Published : 02nd August 2024
Authors : Ramin Ghasemi Shayan*, Fakhrosadat Sajjadian
Citation : Shayan RM, et al. (2024). Nano-Structured and Micro-Structured Materials as Contrast Agents in Echocardiography. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(7):176.

Case Report

Leveraging BioFire FilmArray (Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction) to Unmask Varicella Zoster Virus Meningoencephalitis: A Rare Case Report of Geriatric Neuro-Infection from North India

Published : 31st July 2024
Authors : Arushi Gupta1,*, Balram JI Omar2, Panda PK3, Minakshi Singh4, Chetna Maharia5
Citation : Gupta A, et al. (2024). Leveraging BioFire FilmArray (Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction) to Unmask Varicella Zoster Virus Meningoencephalitis: A Rare Case Report of Geriatric Neuro-Infection from North India. Mathews J Case Rep. 9(7):177.

Editor In Chief
Hugh Koch
Hugh Koch

Director/Clinical Psychologist, Visiting Professor, Hugh Koch Associates, Stockholm University (Sweden),

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