Mathews Journal of Pharmaceutical Science


Current Issue Volume 8, Issue 1 - 2024

The Battle of the Physic and Chemistry against Pathogenic Microorganism

Ferruccio Trifirò*, Paolo Zanirato#

Academy of Sciences of Bologna, via Zamboni 31, Bologna, Italy

*Corresponding author: Dr. Ferruccio Trifirò, Academy of Sciences of Bologna, via Zamboni 31, Bologna, Italy, E-mail: [email protected]

#Co-corresponding author: Dr. Paolo Zanirato, Academy of Sciences of Bologna, via Zamboni 31, Bologna, Italy, E-mail: [email protected]

Received Date: April 24, 2024

Published Date: May 18, 2024

Citation: Trifirò F, et al. (2024). The Battle of the Physic and Chemistry against Pathogenic Microorganism. Mathews J Pharma Sci. 8(1):27.

Copyrights: Trifirò F, et al © (2024).


Global analysis of the active ingredients of the substances used such as:

Antiseptics on living tissues (intact, damaged skin and mucous membranes) are: chlorhexidine, the electrolytic chloroxidant, povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide and ethyl and isopropyl alcohols. The least used ones are iodine tincture, eosin, chloramine T, benzalkonium chloride, triclosan and silver.

Sterilizers, chemical products used to destroy not only all microorganisms, but also the spores present on inanimate surfaces, such as medical devices and surgical instruments with a high and medium level of risk for people, but also hospital and civil environments with a high and medium risk of contagion.

Disinfectants, high level of surfaces, articles and non-critical medical instruments, i.e. those that do not come into contact with patients or with damaged skin or mucous membranes and, in particular, they are also the disinfectants selected against SARS-CoV-2 and intermediate level, used for the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms that contaminate inanimate surfaces, medical and surgical equipment and healthcare, hospital and extra-hospital and low-level environments, which are based on a single active ingredient and in an aqueous solution and are used for disinfection in hospitals in places not occupied by patients and for devices that do not come into contact with patients and in civil environments. Some of these disinfectants may have the same active ingredients as high- and intermediate-level antiseptics and disinfectants, but are used at lower concentrations and for shorter contact times.

Keywords: Antiseptics, Sterilant, Disinfectnt, Chloroxidant, Hydrogen Peroxide Ethyl and Isopropyl Alcohols, Iodine Tincture, Chloramine T

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