Mathews Journal of Nursing and Health Care


Previous Issues Volume 5, Issue 4 - 2023

Workplace Etiquettes

Purohit Saraswati1,*, Aswathy Devi2

1Assistant Professor, Head Department of Psychiatric Nursing, JSS College of Nursing Mysuru, India

2Professor, Principal JSS College of Nursing Mysuru, India

*Corresponding author: Mrs Purohit Saraswati, Assistant Professor, Head Department of Psychiatric Nursing, JSS College of Nursing Mysuru, India; Email: [email protected].

Received Date: September 01, 2023

Published Date: October 07, 2023

Citation: Saraswati P, et al. (2023). Workplace Etiquettes. Mathews J Nurs. 5(4):22.

Copyrights: Saraswati P, et al. © (2023).


In today’s diverse and dynamic work environments, mastering proper workplace etiquette has become an essential skill for individuals aiming to excel in their careers. This abstract highlights the significance of workplace etiquette in fostering positive relationships, ensuring effective communication, and promoting a harmonious atmosphere. The abstract also delves into key aspects of workplace etiquette, including communication norms, interpersonal interactions, collaboration, and cultural sensitivity. It outlines the benefits of adhering to these etiquettes, such as improved teamwork, enhanced productivity, and a conducive atmosphere for professional growth. By recognizing the importance of workplace etiquette and adopting its principles, individuals and organizations can create a respectful and productive work environment that facilitates both personal and collective success. Workplace etiquette refers to the expected norms and behaviors that individuals should follow in a professional environment to promote a positive and respectful atmosphere. Practicing good workplace etiquette can contribute to effective communication, collaboration, and a harmonious work environment. Here are some key workplace etiquette tips.

Keywords: Etiquette, Work Place, Ethics, Harmonious.


  1. Punctuality: Arrive at work and meetings on time. Being punctual shows that you respect others' time and demonstrates your commitment to your work.
  2. Dress Code: Dress appropriately for your workplace. Follow the established dress code and maintain a professional appearance.
  3. Communication
  1. Use respectful language and tone in all communications, whether in person, over the phone, or via email.
  2. Listen actively when others are speaking, and avoid interrupting.
  3. Be concise and clear in your communication to avoid misunderstandings.
  1. Technology Use:
  1. Use electronic devices, such as phones and computers, for work-related tasks during working hours.
  2. Avoid excessive personal use of devices or social media that can distract you from your tasks.
  1. Respect Personal Space
  1. Respect the personal space of your colleagues and avoid invading it.
  2. Knock before entering someone's office or cubicle, and wait for permission before entering.
  1. Teamwork and Collaboration
  1. Contribute positively to group projects and discussions.
  2. Acknowledge and value the input of your colleagues and recognize their efforts.
  1. Meetings
  1. Come prepared to meetings with any necessary materials or information.
  2. Avoid side conversations and distractions during meetings.
  3. Follow the agenda and stay on topic to make the most of everyone's time.
  1. Conflict Resolution
  1. Address conflicts professionally and directly, focusing on the issues rather than personal attacks.
  2. If necessary, involve a supervisor or HR to mediate conflicts.
  1. Hygiene and Cleanliness
  1. Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness to ensure a comfortable work environment for everyone.
  2. Keep your workspace organized and clutter-free.
  1. Socializing
  1. Engage in friendly conversations, but be mindful of not disrupting others who are working.
  2. Respect cultural and personal boundaries when discussing sensitive topics.
  1. Respect for Diversity
  1. Show respect for colleagues' diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives.
  2. Avoid making offensive or discriminatory remarks.
  1. Eating Etiquette
  1. If your workplace allows eating at your desk, be mindful of odors and clean up after yourself.
  2. Follow any specific rules or guidelines regarding eating in common areas.
  1. Privacy and Confidentiality
  1. Respect the privacy of your colleagues and avoid discussing their personal matters with others.
  2. Maintain confidentiality when dealing with sensitive company information.


Workplace etiquette is a fundamental aspect of fostering a positive and productive professional environment. By adhering to established norms and demonstrating respect for colleagues, superiors, and the work environment, employees contribute to a harmonious atmosphere that supports collaboration, creativity, and effective communication. Remember, workplace etiquette varies from one environment to another, so it's a good idea to observe and adapt to the specific norms of your workplace. By practicing good workplace etiquette, you can contribute to a positive and productive work atmosphere.


  1. Smith A. (2017). Navigating Workplace Etiquette in Multicultural Teams. Paper presented at the International Business Symposium, New York, USA.
  2. Anderson KM, Davis RP. (2018). The Impact of Workplace Etiquette on Employee Productivity. Journal of Professional Behavior. 25(4):320-335.
  3. Johnson M. (2019). Business Etiquette in the Digital Age. In: Brown S, (Ed.). Contemporary Workplace Etiquette, Business Books, Inc. pp. 45-62.
  4. Smith, J. (2021). The Etiquette of Professional Communication. Acme Publishing, United States.
  5. Smith P. (2020). Mastering Workplace Etiquette: A Guide for Professionals. New York, United States: Business Insider. Available at:

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