James Espinosa1,*, Umar Sannoh2, Alan Lucerna1
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Jefferson Health New Jersey, USA
2Rowan-Virtua SOM School of Medicine, New Jersey, USA
*Corresponding author: James Espinosa, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rowan University SOM Kennedy University Hospital, 18 East Laurel Road, Stratford, NJ 08084, USA, Phone: 856 304 5101; E-mail: [email protected].
Received Date: June 15, 2023
Published Date: July 03, 2023
Citation: Espinosa J, Sannoh U, Lucerna A, et al. (2023). Case Report and Brief Review: Co-infection COVID-19 Virus and Influenza A Virus. Mathews J Emergency Med. 8(3):53.
Copyrights: Espinosa J, et al. © (2023).
We report the case of a 45-year-old male who presented to an emergency department with a complaint of myalgias, chills and sore throat of six day duration. The physical exam was essentially unremarkable. The patient tested positive for COVID-19 virus as well as Influenza A virus. The purpose of this brief review is to discuss what is known about co-infection of COVID-19 and influenza A.
Keywords: Co-infection COVID-19 virus and influenza A virus.