Mathews Journal of Forensic Research


Previous Issues Volume 3, Issue 1 - 2022

The Role of the Family in Preventing Youth Crimes

Hassan Mohammadi Nevisi*

Associate Professor at SMC University, Switzerland

*Corresponding author: Hassan Mohammadi Nevisi, Associate Professor at SMC University, Switzerland, Phone: +989124511132; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: October 24, 2022

Published Date: November 04, 2022

Citation: Nevisi HM. (2022). The Role of the Family in Preventing Youth Crimes. Mathews J Foren. 3(1):9.

Copyrights: Nevisi HM. © (2022).


Delinquency is a social phenomenon and has a social background, although biological, psychological, geographical, ethnic, racial and other factors play a very important role in the formation and occurrence of delinquency, explaining the problem based on the social environment factor, renewing the attitude in the society. It is social science, especially the functioning of the smallest and most important social institution, the family, which plays an important role in cooperation and harmonizing the normative behaviors of people with the social environment. In the article, we examine the role of the family as a factor and obstacle to juvenile delinquency (relying on order in the family) and youth crimes. This work is especially important in terms of limiting the factors investigated in a scientific work, because it is not possible to consider and examine all dimensions and angles accurately in a research work. If the family can be an important factor in delinquency. And the unfavorable conditions to raise the delinquent, in the same proportion, the existence of favorable conditions in the family made the mental, emotional, psychological and social development of the teenager possible, which is the most important step in the prevention of delinquency.

Keywords: Family, Crime, Youth, Preventing, Youth Crimes


The increase in delinquency and youth crimes indicates the weakening of family group relations, so group unity has fallen apart. No matter how much the relationship of the members goes beyond the control of intimate, emotional, and moral relationships, the risk of losing the very important function of the family, teaching social norms and values to children, will not be far away. What is important is the relationships and bonds of the family group in a way that Individuals as bearers and agents of roles should play their roles in such a way that the basic function of maintaining the unity and cohesion of the family follows. A home that is devoid of loving words is a pest for the mental, emotional and social development of a teenager, the lack of love and affection and the lack of stability and harmony in the family is the basis for criminal behavior. Whenever the emotional and moral foundation of the family is weakened, it affects the family order (divorce). Crime also occurs. Order and balance in the family have an inverse relationship with the delinquency process. When divorce increases, the internal conflicts of the family rise, and the children are caught in the abyss of addiction, delinquency, etc., away from the eyes of their parents [1].

However, the relationship between parents and children, the disintegration of the family and the lack of order and balance in the family, and the weakening of religious and moral beliefs play an important role in juvenile delinquency. If a person's values ​​and the values ​​of people who have a strong influence on him support criminal behavior instead of supporting non-criminal behavior, that person will probably become a criminal. The solidarity and stability of family members create a suitable environment for people in a relatively complete way, they internalize and internalize the generalized accepted norms and easily perform the roles of the assignee and the researcher in a way that is expected of them in the social presentation. A family is a small group whose basic and inseparable feature is intimacy. It is. Socializing the next generation is one of the most obvious and fundamental duties of the family. Love makes the family unit stable; hate flows in its opposite direction and implies disloyalty, separation, and conflict. When hatred and deep discord and conflict find their way to the center, the survival of the family order between its members becomes shaky and difficult [2].

Youth crimes as a social disease

If this phenomenon is looked at from a sociological point of view, youth delinquency and crimes can be considered as social diseases that must be treated. Of course, in order to fight any disease, one must first recognize it and find out its causes, then save the patient and prevent the occurrence of this complication again. If delinquency is considered as a social problem and damage, then "teenagers" as one of the vulnerable sections of society are at risk of suffering from this problem or have suffered from it in some way. Investigating the causes will make the relevant authorities understand how the actions are formed. Find abnormalities, and then search for correct and appropriate ways to fight them. Therefore, such studies and researches are necessary in order to better and deeper understand the deviations and crimes, to discover their origin, and finally to pave the way to reform and rehabilitate criminals. After all, it is these kinds of explorations that provide the possibility of preventing the deviation and fall of talents in the potential human forces of the society, and the family and the government, the present and the future of the country are freed from many material and spiritual losses.

Considering that the future construction of society depends on the passionate active force and the physical and mental health of the teenage generation, it is necessary to use all the facilities of society to prevent, fight and eradicate the delinquency of the teenagers in our country. On the other hand, what has caused concern is the irreparable damage caused by the collapse of the family unit, the damage that affects all family members, including children. After separation, for most people, there is a period of conflict and emotional ambivalence, and new mood changes, which has a deep effect on the behavior of the family, especially children, which includes delinquency. Sociologists believe that punishing the criminal is an issue that should be addressed at the last stage, and before that, measures should be taken to prevent the commission of a crime with a far-sighted view of society's conditions. Accepting the principle of the superiority of prevention over treatment, not only in medical issues but also in our social life. Based on this principle and by choosing efficient methods as well as by considering a set of environmental, social, and technical elements, the motivation of people to commit crimes can be reduced and the amount of crime among them can be reduced. When it comes to the occurrence of a crime, arresting people and punishing them, that too in an aggravated way, is immediately formed in the minds of the public. Meanwhile, sociologists believe that punishing the criminal is an issue that should be addressed at the last stage, and before that, measures should be taken to prevent the commission of a crime with a far-sighted view of society's conditions [3].

The superiority of prevention over treatment

Accepting the principle of the superiority of prevention over treatment, not only in medical issues but also in our social life. Based on this principle and by choosing efficient methods as well as by considering a set of environmental, social, and technical elements, the motivation of people to commit crimes can be reduced and the amount of crime among them can be reduced. Social prevention is one of the most important social topics that have been less discussed in our society. The purpose of social prevention is to eliminate those crime risk factors that make people prone to delinquency or victimization, but in practice, it is never possible to reach a state where all social prevention measures are successful so that no new delinquent or victim is added to society. This is despite the fact that it is not possible to carry out 100% correctional measures on all existing criminals; Therefore, logically, we have no choice but to accept that social prevention is incomplete by using psychological methods alone, and governments should also intervene in this matter. One of the key principles of crime prevention is the use of strategies that are based on cooperation and partnership between government institutions and ministries, public and non-governmental organizations, the commercial sector, and civil society [4].

Supporting victims and providing services to criminals after the criminal has served his sentence is the most important principle that should be taken into account during the prevention process. Research has shown that those who are victimized once, if their complaints are not addressed, they seek revenge and show criminal behavior. Therefore, these people need attention and support more than other classes, because the injuries caused by crime will make today's victims become tomorrow's criminals. In the meantime, filling individual gaps and correcting deficiencies that exist in people and make them prone to become criminals or victims are in the field of individual-oriented prevention [5].


The family, as the first environment of individual growth, can only play its role in raising healthy and balanced people by maintaining the coherence and integrity of all its members and elements, thus maintaining its unique position and dignity. Family, as the smallest social institution, can be the manifestation of the rise or fall of any society. Therefore, to have an ideal society, one should have an ideal family, which requires everyone's efforts. Considering the importance of the role of the family, the purpose of this research was to investigate the role of this social institution in preventing the occurrence of crime. The results of examining various sources showed that the family institution is one of the most important institutions that control crime in society. The more positive, constructive, and law-abiding the atmosphere of this institution is, the less likely crime will be among the children. But if this institution suffers from disintegration and various social, political, religious, and cultural problems, the possibility of children's tendency towards crime will increase. And friends, the educational status of children and their proper upbringing, teaching religious orders, updating their knowledge and awareness, being careful of any ignorant prejudices and excesses in attention to family members, etc. can bring the family to its destination. Therefore, by creating a positive, friendly, and law-abiding atmosphere, parents can largely prevent their children from committing crimes.


  1. Nevisi HM. (2018). Methods of Preventing Crimes in Children and Adolescents, Republic of Moldova: Lambert Academic Publishing. p. 260.
  2. Nevisi HM. (2019). 16 Types of Crime Prevention. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 11(3): 555814.
  3. Nevisi HM. (2020). Academic Conceptology of Postmodern Criminology. Int J Forens Sci. 5(4): 000213.
  4. Nevisi HM. (2019). Family Impact on Social Violence (Juvenile Delinquency) in Children and Adolescents. SM J Forensic Res Criminol. 3(1): 1017
  5. Nevisi HM. (2020). Hermeneutics of Attempt in Iranian Criminal Law. Int J Forens Sci. 5(2): 000188

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