Mathews Journal of Urology and Nephrology


Previous Issues Volume 1, Issue 1 - 2017

Editorial Article PDF  

The Role of Scientific Associations in life-long Education for Urologists

Selcuk Sarikaya*

Corresponding Author: Selcuk Sarikaya* Gulhane Research and Training Hospital, Department of Urology, Ankara / Turkey, Tel: +905316274819; Email:[email protected]

Received Date: 06 Oct 2017 Accepted Date: 06 Oct 2017  Published Date: 07 Oct 2017

Copyright © 2017 Sarikaya S

Citation:Sarikaya S. (2017). The Role of Scientific Associations in life-long Education for Urologists. Mathews J Urol Nephrol1(1): e002.


Urology has a wide field of education, training and scientific activities. Almost each country has their own national association and there are bigger associations that cover more than one country or region. Some of these associations are built for main branch of urology and some others are for sub-branches such as andrology, pediatric urology, endourology, functional urology and urooncology. The general and basic rule of being an association is to cover all needs and expectations of members and support them in both scientific and non-scientific issues. Recently the structure and the main goal have been changed for most of these associations unfortunately in a negative manner. The executive boards of these associations start to think about theirselves first rather than supporting members and constructing a bridge between generations. The management of these type of scientific organizations is both hard and easy. The first way for a good start point is defining the needs and realities. The second part is working with an experienced team rather than the ones that were elected for the sake of being elected. The third part is getting the power together and organizing events and projects. The last part is gathering feedbacks together to learn lessons from each steps. Unwanted fights and conflicts within these associations affect the natural flow in a bad way that causes unfavorable results and conditions. When people who are in the executive boards of these associations start to think only about theirselves and their personal needs, these organizations start to belong individuals rather than being a common roof. It is very important for the members of these associations to start considering the realities and realising the actual conditions when it is time to vote for these executive boards. Unfortunately most of these associations have found solutions and tricks for these elections. Undemocratic way of elections result with one's chronic dominance. Internal dynamics are very important for these type of organizations in order to have a fresh structure and to encourage new faces to get roles in circulation. Away from having a community-based personality is the worst condition and characteristic for an executive member. The ones who are elected with the votes of members must see theirselves as an ordinary member of societies and these people must not forget that they were elected for beneficial organizations and projects. Just wriggle yourself out of your selfishness and think again for the ways of being helpful for members and the whole society! This editorial is written in order to assess the recent structures and outcomes of the scientific societies in the field of urology. Hope this can help executive boards to re-examine theirselves.

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